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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Easy Peasy..and healthy?!

Quite possibly the tastiest quick and easy breakfast you will EVER try!! I can't get over this one.  It is just that good!  

This is a recipe by Nick and Gen - two of my favorite bloggers who tell the truth about nutrition.  Nick's book, The Truth About Fat Burning Foods, really opened my eyes and I've not turned back.  You can buy his e-Book or if you aren't in the position yet to do so, you can get a ton of information from his blog. The thing I like the most about them and their outlook is that they don't demand you do it all perfectly all at once - or at all.  They are real people and know the difficulties in life, they have this way to put you at east about Real Nutrition.

So this recipe above is called Cottage Cheese Bowl, I used a pear in the photo above however I think apples are tastier.  Using organic (no pesticides) is best but again maybe it is not feasible or desirable quite yet.  

For 1 serving you will need an apple (peel the skin off if not organic), 1 cup of Cottage Cheese, 1 tsp of Cinnamon, a handful of Almonds, a handful of raisins (optional), 1 tsp raw honey.

Crush the almonds (I use a mortar and pestle for this step but you could put the almonds in a magic bullet, or towel and use a hammer or something to break up the almonds) and set aside.

Cut the apple into bite size pieces.

In a bowl add the ingredients, I like to layer them: Cottage Cheese, Apple pieces, Almond pieces, drizzle the raw honey (I heat mine up because it pours easier), cinnamon.

Add spoon. Mix it up and eat!  YUM!

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Be Blessed!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I went a little off the beaten path today and tried this new breakfast recipe Smarter French Toast (picture below) created by Gen Gauvin of N & G Media. (See ingredients below)

Pretty simple to make, the "Smarter" in is the ingredients. The added boost of protein powder helps to keep you full for longer and all the ingredients combine to make one spectacular breakfast meal:

(serves 1 - for more just add another set of ingredients)

1 TBSP Expeller-pressed Coconut oil (Find out why Coconut Oil is best, here)
3 slices sprouted grain bread
1 and 1/2 whole eggs
1/2 scoop protein powder
1 tsp maple syrup (optional)

As you heat the Coconut oil in the pan, you can mix the remaining ingredients (minus the maple syrup)
If you store your sprouted bread (as I do) in the freezer make sure to thaw it a bit ahead of time, so it will soak up the batter.
Soak each side of the pieces of bread, one at a time, in the egg and protein powder mixture and place in the coconut oil on the stove.  I could fit 2 pieces of bread in my pan at a time. Continue until each piece is coated and cooked. Depending on how hot your stove-top cooks, will determine how hot to get the burner. My stove-top cooks very hot on medium-low and I can melt the coconut oil in the pan on low. You know your stove, so gauge it depending on that.
Stack on a plate, add a nut butter or maple syrup spread on top if you choose. Enjoy!

If you liked this recipe and want to try more of these great treats, check out Nick Pineault's blog here and tell them Teri sent ya!  Thanks!


SLEEP-less (Originally posted 6/1/2014)

So. Here I am again… WIDE AWAKE!

I had been trying to sleep for the past 3 hours, so I got up and followed my “can’t sleep, need at least ‘X’ hours for ‘Y’ tomorrow” routine (where X is however many hours of sleep I will need to function and Y is whatever event I have to be alert for)

I went into the kitchen to make some chamomile tea along with some of the raw honey I just bought - expensive but I'm willing to guess worth it. I figure I’d kill 2 birds with one stone (No birds ..or stones.. were harmed, I promise!).  The label claimed it helps with allergies and coughing so I was hopeful the allergy or cold would soon leave my chest and throat.

I chopped the remainder of the red onion from the fridge and put the chopped pieces in a little container – I’ll be happy when I make my morning omelet. Maybe I can actually shave off a few minutes from chopping as I cook tomorrow - or today as the case may be? 

I thought about chopping up other ingredients but the tea was ready and the intent was to become sleepy enough for lasting sleep.  At least I have the red onion done; I use that in a lot of recipes.

When I experience times like these, my natural tendency is to try to figure out ‘what is keeping me awake.’ It is the analyst in me. I'm also a logical thinker who tries (without a second thought) to come up with solutions to challenges.. This time, the pain was worse than usual and any position I chose was not comfortable.  Then there were the many things rolling around in my brain which still need doing or finishing. There was also the new pain that presented itself tonight. I also wondered if my cutting out processed foods could have had anything to do with this.  Then going with that last one, I tried to count the number of weeks since I had started trying to move toward clean eating. I guessed about 4, maybe a little more.  So I dismissed that.  After all it takes you 21 days to create a new habit; right? 1 month was on average 30 days. That’s over 21... 

Hmm.  No dice..still awake.  Hmm.  Back to square one.  Maybe I can find something else to chop.


Progress!! (Originally posted 6/2/2014)

Progress is progress! Sleep comes easier for many -including myself- with an increase in exercise, so that's the plan. I have a few things on my mind as well today as far as incorporating grass-fed/Finished Beef into my daily intake. Does anyone have suggestion on brand? I've seen Grass Fed Beef at places like Wegman's and BJ's Wholesale Club but I will have to check on if it is Grass finished as well.  I love research!

So this morning, after some much needed coffee and coconut milk (great alternative for creamer), red onion (yes, the ones from the chopping session), & Aldi's Simply Nature Uncured ham omelet, I had some greatly appreciated Quiet Time in my favorite spot on my living room couch.  (btw, now at Aldi - at least on the Eastern coast of the US -, pay $4.99 for 16 oz jar of Organic Virgin unrefined Coconut Oil!!)

For a few weeks, now, I have been contemplating the idea of eating beef again. For me it is health reasons. A few weeks may seem like a bit too long to some, but I like to take my time when introducing new foods to my daily intake regimen, especially beef.  Prior to this past Memorial Day, I had pretty much stayed away from all red meat - mostly due to the smell of it in raw state but also due to the pesticides, hormones, and diseases I'd heard about in milk and beef production and finished products. I have allergies to Cow milk anyway - organic or not. So I completely cut that out of my daily intake in all forms - no cows.  Until, like I said several weeks ago, I stumbled upon a Blog, that it even occurred to me that there just may be another way into eating red meat again with all of its nutrients and health benefits. 
I am pretty convinced about the Grass-fed and finished beef now.  I see Wegman's has a nice selection on Grass Fed beef (and hopefully finished with grass as well) and I believe I saw some at BJ's Wholesale.  Now I've just got to budget this in.

Clean eating is fairly new to me.  I was introduced to it a few months ago more fully and at that time had started to incorporate little changes to my daily intake.  I do not believe in DIEts, not anymore that is. One of my favorite blogs also mentions this and although I've heard it for years, I'd have to give credit to Nick Pineault for really drilling the idea home. I do believe in lifestyle and eating changes, call it a diet if you like but to me, as my readings and understanding has led me to understand them, Diets start with the word "die" and I want to create a positive change, and not invite any negative subliminal or subconscious thinking into my healthy changes. There that's my 2 cents on that topic...

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Thanks and Be Blessed!


Not bad nut-butter (Originally posted 6/13/2014)

I've been away for a bit due to some computer issues and crashes.  But, I'm back!

I have been reading a lot about nutrition and have been trying to incorporate my new changes little by little.  I'm not sure it's made a weight difference but I feel like my energy level has changed.  That being said, I sure am enjoying trying the new foods that are organic and Non-GMO. In fact, I've been so excited about my new finds, that I've lent my reviews to brands and shops that carry them...

Well, I finally tried Walnut Butter (also tried a few other items: Pecan Butter, Nutiva's Hemp Seed Protein Powder, Wegman's Organic Free Range Chicken - although I wished it said if it was free range or not, and a few other things! Last week, I had been shopping in the Nature's Marketplace at Wegman's and "happened" to see this packet of "Artisana Walnut Butter, RAW!!" I loved it so much that I provided a review for it on Wegman's site so others could have an idea of what to expect and feel confidant in trying this delicious treat.

It is a much different flavor than peanut butter and if you're anything like me and get an occasional burn from peanut butter, this will be a much nicer experience.  

Wegman's Review

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Thanks and Be Blessed!


Egg Hunt (Originally posted 6/14/2014)

Originally posted 6/14/2014

I recently found that the eggs I'd been buying for years actually are not pasture raised and are fed grain - albeit organic grain - still not what I had thought and hoped I was eating. Sad for me because I now need to search for pasture raised eggs. as much as I like researching things, I would like the Pasture Raised Egg fairy to just drop by my door each week with a dozen or 2 eggs. I think the next step is to find and go in on a local CSA  (Community Sponsored Agriculture) or one that will ship to me the other option is buying online from reputable sources and having them shipped to me. So far, though, I am not finding a CSA nearby.


Until... (enter Pasture-Raised Egg fairy)


Please share your comments and don't forget to subscribe below.  What are your experiences with eggs?

Thanks and Be Blessed!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


I Finally found Grass Fed Beef and Pastured Eggs! YAY!

So I was at a locally owned organic food store today, I shared that I was a new customer and came for the pasture-raised eggs.. The owner, Terry, showed me around and acquainted me with some of their products..(so yay to pastured (Soy Free) eggs, and yay to grass fed beef), but when I asked if they carried pastured chicken meat, it seemed that he was trying to cover for why they didn't carry it, he was like 'pasture-raised chicken meat would be too tough because the chickens are running around all the time..and it's okay to eat organic grain fed chickens' Then he took me off topic..without my fully realizing it. [Seriously, I was standing there like.. 'Um, are you kidding me?!  What do you think the Grass Fed Beef is doing?' (I didn't say this out loud).]  I think he was trying to "cover" for the fact that they just didn't have it (yet).  So I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.. :)  In fact, I'm sure he's sitting at home kicking himself for saying that very thing.. hahaha  just kidding.

Although, I was already already buying grass-fed beef and eggs.. so ... it's not like I wouldn't have bought it anyway.. who knows.. I just thought it was weird.. on the positive side though, I FINALLY got pasture raised eggs!!  I've been missing my morning eggs!  AND I got some Grass fed beef patties and ground (grass-fed) beef.  I may just have to settle for purchasing online pasture-raised chicken.....

I didn't get the organically-fed chicken that he recommended as a good brand..  I need to look into the brands they carry first, they are organically fed - but not pastured (they don't forage for their food but they are "cage free and/or allowed to run anywhere they want.. which I"m still not sure about - because that would mean they still have them in a large barn with no outside access.  I guess saying "outside" is a key word when speaking with grocers.  I will remember that next time.

Their meats are local though (Lancaster, PA) and humanely treated throughout, the farms he purchases from have a strict policy against any violators of treatment of animals.  He was also quick to point out the chickens are air cleaned? chilled? as opposed to water.  Anyway.. this post is too long..

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