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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SLEEP-less (Originally posted 6/1/2014)

So. Here I am again… WIDE AWAKE!

I had been trying to sleep for the past 3 hours, so I got up and followed my “can’t sleep, need at least ‘X’ hours for ‘Y’ tomorrow” routine (where X is however many hours of sleep I will need to function and Y is whatever event I have to be alert for)

I went into the kitchen to make some chamomile tea along with some of the raw honey I just bought - expensive but I'm willing to guess worth it. I figure I’d kill 2 birds with one stone (No birds ..or stones.. were harmed, I promise!).  The label claimed it helps with allergies and coughing so I was hopeful the allergy or cold would soon leave my chest and throat.

I chopped the remainder of the red onion from the fridge and put the chopped pieces in a little container – I’ll be happy when I make my morning omelet. Maybe I can actually shave off a few minutes from chopping as I cook tomorrow - or today as the case may be? 

I thought about chopping up other ingredients but the tea was ready and the intent was to become sleepy enough for lasting sleep.  At least I have the red onion done; I use that in a lot of recipes.

When I experience times like these, my natural tendency is to try to figure out ‘what is keeping me awake.’ It is the analyst in me. I'm also a logical thinker who tries (without a second thought) to come up with solutions to challenges.. This time, the pain was worse than usual and any position I chose was not comfortable.  Then there were the many things rolling around in my brain which still need doing or finishing. There was also the new pain that presented itself tonight. I also wondered if my cutting out processed foods could have had anything to do with this.  Then going with that last one, I tried to count the number of weeks since I had started trying to move toward clean eating. I guessed about 4, maybe a little more.  So I dismissed that.  After all it takes you 21 days to create a new habit; right? 1 month was on average 30 days. That’s over 21... 

Hmm.  No dice..still awake.  Hmm.  Back to square one.  Maybe I can find something else to chop.


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