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Saturday, July 5, 2014


I Finally found Grass Fed Beef and Pastured Eggs! YAY!

So I was at a locally owned organic food store today, I shared that I was a new customer and came for the pasture-raised eggs.. The owner, Terry, showed me around and acquainted me with some of their products..(so yay to pastured (Soy Free) eggs, and yay to grass fed beef), but when I asked if they carried pastured chicken meat, it seemed that he was trying to cover for why they didn't carry it, he was like 'pasture-raised chicken meat would be too tough because the chickens are running around all the time..and it's okay to eat organic grain fed chickens' Then he took me off topic..without my fully realizing it. [Seriously, I was standing there like.. 'Um, are you kidding me?!  What do you think the Grass Fed Beef is doing?' (I didn't say this out loud).]  I think he was trying to "cover" for the fact that they just didn't have it (yet).  So I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.. :)  In fact, I'm sure he's sitting at home kicking himself for saying that very thing.. hahaha  just kidding.

Although, I was already already buying grass-fed beef and eggs.. so ... it's not like I wouldn't have bought it anyway.. who knows.. I just thought it was weird.. on the positive side though, I FINALLY got pasture raised eggs!!  I've been missing my morning eggs!  AND I got some Grass fed beef patties and ground (grass-fed) beef.  I may just have to settle for purchasing online pasture-raised chicken.....

I didn't get the organically-fed chicken that he recommended as a good brand..  I need to look into the brands they carry first, they are organically fed - but not pastured (they don't forage for their food but they are "cage free and/or allowed to run anywhere they want.. which I"m still not sure about - because that would mean they still have them in a large barn with no outside access.  I guess saying "outside" is a key word when speaking with grocers.  I will remember that next time.

Their meats are local though (Lancaster, PA) and humanely treated throughout, the farms he purchases from have a strict policy against any violators of treatment of animals.  He was also quick to point out the chickens are air cleaned? chilled? as opposed to water.  Anyway.. this post is too long..

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Thanks and Be Blessed!


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