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Monday, October 13, 2014

Hello Pilates, my dear old friend ..and DF days 6, 7, & 8

More and more in the news, on talk shows, and online there is much more talk of health. And not just health for  the sake of eating your apple a day, but the beneficial-for-us-to-know-and-embrace kind. For instance, for the first time in quite a long while, I've heard mention of the dangers of white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, GMOs in food, etc. and the detrimental health affects if consumed over a period of time they can have. (Like the food, most of us grew up on..sigh) There are actually states refusing GMO foods!  Hey, it's a step in the right direction.

One of my favorite blogs, by Max Goldberg, is a very helpful site when learning about GMOs, organic foods, clean (er) eating, etc.  If you 've never heard of Max Goldberg or a GMO, I would encourage you to take a look through his blog. If they're listed and they're dealing with organics, they are my top site choices. I'm not currently getting any kind of promotion credit from their sites or anything, I just believe in what they say and like to use some of the guidelines from each and integrate into my daily regimen as I can.  That being said, I'm not a doctor and if you are sick, go to your doctor.

So in light of all this GMO talk and health, I finally felt good enough today, to go about reacquainting myself with Pilates.  This is my favorite form of exercise in the Fall and Winter. In Spring and Summer, I prefer to be outside on a bike.  But with an injury suffered in January, biking was off the table this Spring and Summer.  After a refreshing RICE treatment for my poor little knees today, I thought it was time. (Yay!)

In my humble opinion, Mari Windsor's Pilates DVDs are the best.  And yes, even that "wonderful Windsor Band, we all love" is actually pretty dandy! I have a bunch of her videos that I bought a few years ago.  I always feel better after and my back gets loosened up as well as my hips.  The other thing I like, is there is no judgement from her.  She seems practical and realistic in helping you sculpt yourself into strong, lean, and long muscle.

Now for day 6, 7 & 8 DF fast...  Saturday was tough due to some physical pain. I prayed through it and put ice packs on each knee. I laid low and listened to my body, which told me to relax and just don't move around much. I have been realizing more and more how much I really enjoy the bible study portion of my mornings. especially those days I have to rush off to work.  The weekends are a little difference because there is really no time constraint. Sunday (day 7) I made 2 new dishes:

Rice with Bean Curry. and Greek Potatoes (recipe and picture link coming soon!!) SO  GOOD  !!

I will post the recipe and photos tomorrow, I promise, but I wanted to get this up before bedtime - eek!

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Be Blessed.
