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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Daniel Fast Day 2 and popcorn

Here we are on day 2. While my menu remains not really changed from Day 1 except dinner where I had some of the Chapattis I made and am debating on popping some popcorn, organic and non-gmo, of course.
I will definitely be making this flat bread again. (just flour, salt, and water)  It probably made about 8 or 9.  I could have made them thinner perhaps, but they are wonderful even when not fasting. I had them tonight along with some black bean hummus I also made using a recipe found in Susan Gregory's book, "The Daniel Fast" and will be sharing links as soon as I can on both of these recipes and photos - hoping by tomorrow.

The experience of making my own flat bread left me feeling like a "carefree" Old Testament gal, making my own flat bread. (Yes, I realize the irony, as for many who would be making their own bread, their lives were anything but carefree) scenes from old biblical movies flashed in my mind and I couldn't help but drift back there for a second or two in my mind.

Have you ever done a fast?  Do you have any suggestions or things you'd like to see?  Do you have any fasting suggestions in general?  I'd love to hear your comments and any questions you may have below.

Please share your comments and don't forget to subscribe below.  Have you tried to make this yet?

Thanks and Be Blessed!


  1. Yummy! The women in Kenya make this flat bread fresh every morning, and it melted in my mouth. Wonderful, different texture and no chemicals!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Diane! This was the point partially anyway with the Flatbread! I'm sure the women in Kenya make it much faster that it took me. hah! Did they serve it with anything or the bread alone? I plan to make this regularly! I love that really any dough will work. I want to try it with Rye - not sure how that will be but maybe I can add rosemary or some other herb when I use wheat again. Have you ever made it, yourself?
