What a wonderful summer and staycation! Over the last month, I enjoyed a wonderful time with family, I decided not to blog during the time and really had a great opportunity for relaxing with them. These moments were quite necessary. :)
So, over the past little while (and probably longer while in process-mode in my head), I've been developing - or trying to develop - my own savings strategy while grocery shopping. As it stands now, in order to get all the products I use/eat, I have a few stores that are rotated into or out of the rotation - depending on savings and distance - for shopping needs while also trying to keep costs at a minimum to fit in with my budget needs.
Some of my favorite stores include: Giant, Aldi, BottomDollar, Wegmans, Walgreens
Be aware that not all stores take coupons, Aldi for example doesn't take coupons (or credit cards, it's debit or cash only here) - unless they issue it: they occasionally will offer a $10 coupon (to use on your next purchase (dated)) when your purchase is at least $40. Sounds easy, right? I've often gone to Aldi and not spent $40 though - their prices are that good! If you have never been to an Aldi before, make sure to take your own bags or buy a few there (unless you are lucky enough to get there when they have boxes out - take them - they're free!). You will also need a quarter (or 25 cents) to "rent" a shopping cart which you will get back upon returning the cart. What a great deal, though!
BottomDollar does accept coupons, however bring your own bags. They also accept credit cards and of course cash. There are usually boxes available if you would prefer - and the boxes are free! I usually take a few to make the 'taking the trash out' chore a bit easier. Some stores require renting the cart for a quarter which you get back when you return the cart. (There is a slot on the cart for it, you'll see it.)
Walgreens does something that Rite Aid and CVS haven't (yet) and that is to provide a monthly paper coupon booklet located at the front of the store along with the current weekly flier. You can find really great deals, find it on sale and use the coupon on top of that! You can also virtually clip coupons to your Walgreens card
Rite Aid has printable coupons which is wonderful!
CVS has printable coupons also, for use at any one of their participating stores.
I often recommend Aldi or BottomDollar to college kids if it is near their school. Wish they were around when I was in school, I could have eaten 2x as many boxes of mac and cheese - ha!
So, if your shopping trip doesn't include Aldi, check out these two great coupon sites that offer you guessed it - coupons for ORGANIC products - YEAH!:
Mambo Sprouts - I like this especially because it lists also if the product is a Gluten Free, Non-GMO, or other classification important to consumer needs.
Common Kindness - This site is twice a great because you can actually choose to have your coupon "work for" a charity of your choice once you print and use them. They also have other couponing options for online shopping and discounts. You can even donate food to a local (to you) food bank. The site name really suits it and what a great idea!
Check them out and see what you think.
Please share your comments and don't forget to subscribe below. What are your experiences with coupons? Do you use them?
Thanks and Be Blessed!